Good News | Pengxiang Industries won the “2022-20232023 private industry leading enterprise” title!

2023-06-20 10:57

In order to promote the successful implementation of the strategy of strengthening the city by industry, we should carry out the train of thought of grasping the leading role, boosting output and setting up typical development, encourage enterprises to become bigger and stronger, and improve the economic development of the whole city. After a Government of the People's Republic of China study in Nan'an, the Government of the People's Republic of China issued the “Decision of the Nan'an People's Republic of China on the designation of 91 enterprises, including Jiu Mu Kitchen and Bathroom Co. , Ltd. , as leading enterprises in the 2023 industry for the period 2022-2023.”. Fujian Pengxiang Industrial Co. , Ltd. is one of the most famous private industrial enterprises in the 2023 from 2022 to 2023.

As one of the most powerful private enterprises in Nan'an, Pengxiang strives to expand the scale of its business and improve its own economic benefits. At the same time, Pengxiang always adheres to the principle of good faith and conscientiously fulfils its tax obligations, for many years, the city's stone industry is the first to pay taxes, to achieve a double harvest of social enterprise benefits.



The fact that Pengxiang is on the list of the “Leading private industrial enterprises in the 2022-20232023” is the recognition and support from all walks of life for Pengxiang and the best reflection of the achievements made by Pengxiang since its brand upgrade. We will turn honor into inexhaustible power, to promote the development of enterprises, to give back to the community as our responsibility, to play a leading role in the transformation and upgrading of the stone industry, to promote the healthy and sustainable development of China's stone industry and efforts.

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