30/2000 Special Action Group to Pengxiang artificial stone to carry out special research

2023-04-07 16:09

On April 3, Chen Qinghua, Vice President of the party committee of Fujian Normal University, Huang Ning, director of the Center for the integration of industry and education, and Zhang Chengdong, party secretary of the School of Environment and resources and the Institute of carbon neutrality and modern industry, zhang Xianzeng, Dean of the College of Optoelectronic and information engineering, Chen Qiuhua, deputy director of the Department of Student Affairs, and other professors of related disciplines came to Pengxiang Industries to conduct the special action of“Visiting Enterprises to expand jobs and promote employment and integration of industry and education”, accompanied by a member of the party committee of the Nan'an Nan'an government and a third-level researcher, Chen qiaoying; the Under Secretary of the Social Welfare Department of the People's Republic of China, Yang Peiyi; and the Under Secretary for Education of the Nan'an, Chen qiaoying, pengxiang industrial chairman Wang Shaofang and the company's responsible persons received the whole process.

The visiting delegation visited the company's recycled stone culture hall, Circular Economy Hall, Living Art Hall, recycled stone material selection center and so on, deeply feel the cultural atmosphere and practical application environment of regenerated stone after“Turning waste into treasure”.

They show great interested in our engineered marble, quartz and onyx.


After the visit, the visiting delegation held a seminar on“Special Action of promoting employment and integration of industry and education by visiting enterprises and expanding jobs” in the conference room. Chairman Wang Shaofang first thanked his superiors and Fushi University for setting up the special action of“Visiting Enterprises to promote employment and integration of industry and education”. He said that the company attaches great importance to the good cooperative relationship with Fushi for many years, and will also make a series of adjustments and transformations in the allocation of talents according to the company's business to broaden the employment channels and resources for graduates, joint efforts to promote cooperation between schools and enterprises.

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